Museum Fiss CTA EN

Located in the former stables of the stately farmhouse are specially made exhibition "boxes". They are fully equipped with modern lighting and media-technology and ideal for our constantly changing temporary special exhibitions and the popular exhibition on our unique tradition of "Blochziehen ".  The special highlight is the architectural finesse with which the traditional "Nolpenstadel" is married to modern design. The stables are known to be dark, but due to the clever use of lighting and predominantly white exhibition areas the rooms appear more spacious and welcoming.


The right-hand area of the barn owned by the Pregenzer family is dedicated to the popular Tyrolean carnival custom called "Fisser Blochziehen".

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Children are astonished the moment they set foot in the house: at the unaccustomed darkness of the rooms and the various strange noises – "is somebody there?"

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Opening times


15th June to 15th October
Monday 3 pm – 5 pm

Thursday with bread baking 9:30 am – 11 am



15th December to 15th April
Tuesday & Wednesday 3 pm – 6 pm


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